A safe environment that encourages to evolve, excel and inspire

Through LINKIT’s meetups about OutSystems Orla got in touch with LINKIT. “During these meetups I learned a lot and got to know about new developments on the OutSystems Platform. But besides that, there was a really good vibe!”, explains Orla. Orla visited several meetups from LINKIT. At the same time, Orla was looking around for new opportunities to develop as a professional.
Because of the meetups and conversations, she had during these events with (now) colleagues, she got triggered. “I got the feeling that LINKIT would be a safe environment for me and that it would give me the chance to do the things that I like to do. When I decided to make move to LINKIT I really enjoyed all my new colleagues.”
“I really enjoy our team and LINKIT”

As a Principal OutSystems Developer, Orla is not only contributing to projects at clients, but she is also a mentor for members of the OutSystems team, and she is involved in sales activities for new clients. On top of that, she is active as an OutSystems trainer. Switching to LINKIT did not only bring Orla a place where she was able to develop professionally but also on a personal level Orla made big steps. “I entered the company while I was still quite insecure and shy. But I’ve always felt safe here. Because of the consultancy work, I discovered that I know more than I actually thought I knew…”