Nice! Such a Google Mobile Web certificate, but what good is it?


Some swear by it, while others prefer to look at experience. In either case, the Google Mobile Web certificate is one of the few papers you can get to distinguish yourself as a mobile web developer. At LINKIT, this is actually a standard that is followed when you start working as a web developer. But why exactly do we do this, and what’s in it for you? We asked Jurian Vink, Full-stack developer at LINKIT. He recently obtained the certificate after taking the Mobile Web Specialist Course organized by LINKIT itself.

To start, what does the Google certificate mean?

“With the Mobile web certificate, you as a web developer can prove that you are aware of the latest techniques in the field of mobile web development and that you can also apply them in your work. This includes the newer es6 features. It contains new functions, such as Arrows, certain shorthand commands (instead of long code), as well as learning how to create variables and use default parameters. These are all things that can really make a difference for a web developer. ”

Can anyone obtain this certificate?

“No, I do not think so. I mean it is possible, but then you really have to put a lot of effort into it. A certain entry-level is indeed necessary because it concerns in-depth training. Google itself indicates that you need three to four years of experience, plus knowledge of PWAs (Progressive Web Apps).

What is your biggest gain from this training?

“For me that was mainly in the field of layout and styling. It’s something every web developer should be able to do. If you want to do it easily, you can simply go to a “library” or implement a standard framework. But you also have to be able to do it yourself. I have learned a lot about that. The performance optimization and caching part are also important. This determines, among other things, how fast a website loads. Crucial for the user-friendliness and the success of a (mobile) website. ”

Was it difficult to obtain this certificate?

“I thought it was helpful to do it. There was one particularly difficult part about Service Workers. I heard from others that they didn’t get any questions about that, but I had four. That took quite some time. Service Workers are used for caching pages, or parts of them, so you can load them faster. ”

What are the advantages of this certificate for both you and your clients?

“For me it is a kind of quality mark, which hopefully makes me more interesting for clients at LINKIT. The same applies the other way around. By hiring me, they are sure to get someone who knows all the important things that are needed for a modern mobile website. Both in terms of performance and acceptability. I am now busy with the LINKIT website itself, where I daily use the knowledge and new techniques that I have learned to obtain this certificate. ”

Do you want to know more about the Google Mobile Web certificate or do you want to follow the LINKIT training yourself? Please contact one of our experts for more information.